Special Feature – Judo Klub Sokol
Welcome to Judo Klub Sokol, Slovenia.
Judo Klub Sokol is a judo club that has been working in the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia for over 24 years. They are an enthusiastic small club with a lot of warm-hearted and open-minded people, aiming to contribute to the development of their society.
They started as a section of the Judo Club Golovec in 1987. This section became so numerous that they decided to set up an independent club in 1993, with the main goal of spreading the philosophy of this martial art in Ljubljana (Slovenia). Initially, the club started with a very few members, but with the effort and dedication of everybody, started growing slowly.
In the recent years, the club has experienced a substantial growth, and it has turned into an institution that works for the improvement of society using sports as a tool to achieve this goal. However, it has never lost the atmosphere that characterizes it, being always a family club where everybody is welcome and free to bring new ideas.
As a good example of this, most of the people who are working or volunteering in the club were practising judo with us previously, and some of them are even combining working and participating in classes as judo pupils as well. All trainers are professional judokas with broad experience on teaching. Some of them were very successful competitors in national and international judo competitions.
They are also one of the few sport clubs in Slovenia that welcome judokas with disabilities in our classes, including them in every activity we make, and integrating them into the groups, in order to give them an opportunity to participate as anyone else.
Inclusion is the main topic that concerns us nowadays. They are working very hard to show society that it is possible to include people with disabilities in the same classes as people without disabilities, thus normalizing a situation that they find unfair.
“Many times families with kids with disabilities have to face barriers when they are trying to enrol their kids in sports, just because they are different. That is our reason, to work for a more human world, in which everyone can participate and bring their skills to our activities”.
The club works with people aged from 5 to 75 years old. Currently, with a membership of circ. 300 students.
Here are some great videos about inclusive judo from Judo Klub Sokol:
- Festival juda za vse Jožeta Škrabe, Koper 2018– 2nd Judo Festival for All Jože Škraba 2018
- Obisk predsednika RS Boruta Pahorja– Visit of the President of Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor in inclusive judo training 2019
- Svetovne igre SOS in obisk predsednika– World Special Olympic Gold Medal and president on national TV 2019
- Adrijan in Benjamin – evropska promotorja združenega športa– Adrian & Benjamin are SOEE young promotors of unified sport
Contact person: Viktorija Pečnikar Oblak
Email: viktorija@judoklubsokol.si
Telephone: 00 386 31 766 880
Address: Pokopališka ulica 35, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU
Open hours: Monday till Friday from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM